Wednesday, March 18, 2009

LaLa Land.

Hello, do you remember me? I am the other guy that makes random posts about random cannons. I have been having my finals week and having an internal battle with myself. Which just so happens to be the the topic of my entry.

My struggle with myself is the following: The ideal practice of the Church vs the applications in real life situations.
I knew ultimately that I would have to write the post, but did not know when.

I am going to give an example that happened this week. The current Pope said that the use of condoms will not prevent the AIDS problem in Africa; and then said that condoms are evil. ( or just google it.)

When I was attending Archbishop Murphy High School, there was always an assembly on 'Abstinence only'. I am going to be frank right here, abstinence only classes do work. In fact as I am typing this I really think the Pope is living in 'LaLa Land.'

Why does abstinence only classes do not work, you are asking your self. That is because we [teens (although I will be celebrating my 21st birthday on Holy Saturday)] do not listen. I know for a fact that there was a bunch of fucking going on at AMHS. It is not that I have a problem with Abstinence, it is the only part.

Use of condoms have lower pretty much everything about the dangers of sex. Also, in an abstinence only program they damn masturbation. Even though masturbation has never given anyone an STD or pregnant, and it is a normal body function.
Also in these classes since they do not teach teens about condoms and other safe sex practices. If teens become abstinent and then engage in sexual activity, they are more likely to have sex without a condom, or instead have anal and oral sex since it not "sex" (which it is, they are just living is 'LaLa Land' as well).

I am going to tell you I am a virgin, however, I am not practicing abstinence. All I know right now I am just waiting for someone I really do enjoy being with and love. When I do have sex I am going to do safe sex practices, and be completely mature about it. The stems from the fact that in my late middle/early high school days I listen to a program called "Loveline with Dr.Drew and Adam Carolla." All that radio show is about sex advise that teens absolutely need. I no longer listen to the show since I figure out what Dr. Drew was saying, "Sex is a great thing, it should be safely and done maturely."

I could put my additional layer of how this contradicts with free will. But I will save that for later if someone want to argue this subject with me. (You better have done your homework, since I will see it as an open door and will rip your argument apart like a condom package on prom night.)

To conclude this I am going to tell everyone who is reading (the two of you), the Church, and any teen that presses random page, on how I think the educational model of the Church should be. Are you ready?
Copy and Paste Plan Parenthood's model.


To my future lover: I do not care if you had sex before me. I just care about if you did it safely. -Giles

Erreta: I want to add a question to those readers out there. Who has told you to practice abstinence?

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