Monday, March 2, 2009

Beware: I Do Bite.

I am going to make this quick. Lately I have been thinking about my stories I am going to tell for this blog and most of them do involve Roman Catholic bashing. Until very recently I have not met someone that went to a different Catholic high school and know where I am coming from when I say “Jesus does not love you.”*

I think the reason is that people of the same faith as I are in not vocal. We are asked to remain humble in our pursuit of God. I bet there is some humble conclusion that I am missing here, but I am learning Justin’s constant reminder to me (he has this talk with me down pat) of “Patience is a Virtue.”

I am more likely to bite than Justin since I had more “christians being good,” at me. I have been told that I am going to hell by these people. I have been told that Jesus is the only path to not sinning, but then I tell them that the first councils Nicaea and Constantinople disagrees with them. I have been told that my bible is wrong, but then I tell them we use the same one, but you guys use it as a weapon. I have been told that Apologetics (What I am doing here) is proving the Bible is right and not defending the faith. There are many more stories and I will most tell in the ebbs and flows of this blog.

I do not think the goodness of the intent of what they are trying to do is good (1755).

I like this subject on good, so I will come back to it later today.


* I will let the Pope to tell you why Jesus does not love you. (Hint: Deus Caritas Est)

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